Diese Animation zeigt verschiedene Bereiche im Körper, die Symptome an einer anderen Stelle auslösen können.
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Mario Stark, MD
Naturopathic Treatment,
Chiropractic, Sports Medicine
Friedrichstr. 4
D-78073 Bad Dürrheim, Germany
Phone: +49 7726 7060

Opening Hours:
Mon - Thur

8-12 AM

Holistic Therapy

... with extensive medical training and experience

After finding the root cause of the symptoms (more about this >here<), the aim of the treatment is to restore the regulatory circuit for the function.

In this process, we do not rely on a single form of treatment, instead we are using a combination of well-proven holistic techniques:
In particular, we are applying the methods of neurological integration in combination with extended medical osteopathy. Additionally, we also use naturopathic methods such as homeopathy and phytotherapy and the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine.

Furthermore, we also use conventional medical methods, such as additional blood tests, etc., and involve specialists if necessary.

Our goal: To restore the full, natural function of the body as far as possible.

For a plus in mobility and a higher quality of life!

Because advanced medical osteopathy aims to achieve healing by helping tissues to return to their regular function and their natural movement and mobility.

A holistic treatment by Mario Stark, M.D.

Regaining mobility and quality of life means different things to every patient:

For example, to feel stability in the joints again, to regain strength in the legs, to be able to climb stairs painlessly again, or to simply wake up in the morning without feeling any pain.

In other words, the limitations caused by the disease can possibly be removed - and as a result, your vitality can return.

Health also means regaining a zest for life - not only for seniors

Cost and Reimbursement

Private patients:

We charge according to the German Fee Schedule for Physicians (GÖÄ), which is also used by your family doctor, for example.

Of course, we are also happy to treat patients with statutory health insurance:

As a patient with statutory health insurance, you are of course just as welcome! Our time-intensive treatment approach is not yet covered by the German health care system. Fortunately, our services are partially reimbursed by more and more statutory health insurers. For our treatments you will receive an invoice, which is based on the German fee schedule for physicians. You can then submit this invoice to some public health insurers in order to receive back the reimbursable partial amount.

We will be happy to answer any further questions you may have about the costs of treatment or possibilities of reimbursement by certain statutory health insurers. Just give us a call: +49 7726 7060

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